Research support

Research Facilities
Erasmus MC has several central facilities for researchers for instance: Erasmus MC Biobank, Medical Library, Medical Ethics and others. Consult the following page1 for all available facilities.
1This page is not accessible outside Erasmus MC

Consultation centerfor Patient-Oriented research (CPO)
The Consultation center for Patient-Oriented research (CPO) provides support for conducting patient-oriented clinical research. For more information,please visit the CPO website1.
1This page is not accessible outside Erasmus MC Network and only available in Dutch. 

Research Suite
Research Suite offers solutions and support for acquiring, working with, and storing research data. If a PhD candidateneedshelp writing theirdata management plan, needsto share data with peers from outside Erasmus MC, needsto store large quantities of data, orhasany other questions regarding Research data or Research IT, feel free to contact the Research Suite. Please find all products and services on the Research Suitepage on Agora.1
1This page is not accessible outside Erasmus MC Network.

Registration of clinical research in PaNaMa
PaNaMais the research project managementsystem that supports registration and administrative processes of human-related research at Erasmus MC. It facilitates researchers by means of workflow and offers available templates at the right moment in the process. All Erasmus MCs human-related research must be registered in PaNaMaat the start. More information is available onthe PaNaMa page on Agora1
1This page is not accessible outside Erasmus MC Network.

Technology Transfer Office (TTO)
If a PhD candidate hasan idea or invention during theirPhD project, thenTTO is the partner for all Erasmus MC employees to create impact with theiridea or invention. By doing so, they help a PhD candidateor employee with brining theirinvention or idea to the market or otherwise make it available for better care. More information is available onthe TTO page on Agora1
1This page is not accessible outside Erasmus MC Network and only available in Dutch.