Defense phase

The graduation process requires a PhD candidate to go through a number of steps, like starting the process, submitting the manuscript, submitting the title page, requesting a defence date. Please find more information and a brief overview of the timeline for the graduation process here and here. We also recommend viewing the Hora Finita manual for PhD candidates for a more comprehensive timeline with a description of the responsibilities of all those involved in the PhD track. Please consult the item Hora Finita account to find the manual. 

Request the PhD ceremony
Once the thesis has reached the state where the (co)supervisors have approved it and it meets the preconditions of the Doctoral Regulations, a ‘Request PhD ceremony’ can be made through the tab ‘PhD ceremony request’. After requesting the PhD ceremony via the system, all supervisors will receive an e-mail with the formal request to approve the thesis. Simultaneously, the thesis will be sent to the Medical Library for a reference check. 
Defence Date
As soon the all supervisors have officially approved the manuscript in the system, a PhD candidate can contact the Beadle’s Office via to set the defence date.

Assessment committee
After formal approval by all supervisors (the first promotor also needs to approve the reference check), the first promotor will receive an e-mail with the request to enter the members of the Assessment committee. Once the members of the Assessment committee are approved by the Beadle’s Office and the Dean, they will receive an e-mail with the request to act as Assessment committee member. When they accept, they will receive an e-mail with a link to the system and the thesis.

Doctoral Committee
After approval of the thesis by the Assessment committee, the first promotor will receive an e-mail with the request to enter the additional Doctoral Committee members who then also will receive an e-mail with the request to be part of the Doctoral Committee.