UNL PhD type

UNL Type
In the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (previously VSNU, now UNL), Dutch universities work together towards a strong university sector. The 14 Dutch universities within the UNL show the outside world how they fulfil their social function, formulate shared ambitions relating to academic education and research and valorisation, and lobby for the preconditions needed to realise these ambitions.

UNL PhD Types
PhD candidates vary in the way in which they enter the PhD trajectory and the way in which their PhD is financed. All EUR PhD candidates need to register their UNL type in Hora Finita. It is also important for the PhD candidates and the supervisors, as the type of PhD construction can have implications for the services that EUR or Erasmus MC are allowed to provide to PhD candidates.

Four types
According to the UNL, there are four types of PhD candidates: 

  1. Employed PhD candidates (1a. Employed PhD; 1b. Other employed staff member, conducting PhD research);
  2. Scholarship PhD candidates (2a. Experiment PhD scholarship - not in the Erasmus MC; 2b. Other scholarship);
  3. External PhD candidates receiving time and/or money from employer;
  4. External PhD candidates without any additional funding in time and/or money (totally self-funding)

If the UNL PhD type is unclear, please see the flowchart below.