Examination Board

The examination board (EB) guarantees the quality of exams, secures the quality of the organisation and procedures concerning exams and decides on individual requests. The EB also plays an important part in binding study advice and ascertaining fraud or unprofessional behaviour.
For you it is important to know you can contact the EB for exemptions, for facilities in case of a functional impairment or with questions about a special study trajectory. The EB decides on the basis of the Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER) and on the basis of the Rules and Regulations (R&R) of the EB.

File a request
You can file a request per digital letter, via e-mail. You will receive a confirmation and your request will be processed within six weeks. A request for provisions concerning a functional impairment can be submitted via OSIRIS Case from October 1st 2019.

The decision of the EB is sent to your student mail. Read the decision thoroughly as it also describes further procedure. You may have to turn to others for further procedure and/or implementation of your request.

Functional impairment
If you have a functional impairment you can file a request at the EB in order to use special facilities during your studies or tests. This also applies to temporary impairments such as a casted arm. You can file a request via OSIRIS Case. You can also make an appointment with the study counsellor. For questions about this procedure first check OSIRIS Case or consult the EUR website, the study counsellors or the R&R of the EB or the TER. More information on studying with a functional impairment can be found here.

Please consult the TER. for the procedure of requesting an exemption. A granted exemption is valid for 6 years. Keep in mind that this might have consequences for the granting of a Cum Laude. Further determination of exemptions and the Cum Laude regulations are described in the TER.

Diploma or Certificate
After completing your studies the EB formally decides about issuing your diploma. The EB guarantees that you meet the requirements stated by the Ministry in order to receive the diploma.

For contact with the EB please use the following e-mail address; examinationboard@eramusmc.nl.