The Education Centre

The Education Center will be renovated from July 2024 until the second quarter of 2025. For this reason, the self-study spots, the Education Service Desk, and the printing area have been relocated. Check STiPfor more information. 

The Education Centre (Onderwijscentrum/EC) offers space for education and personal study to more than 6000 students of the Medical School, Clinical Technology programme, Nanobiology programme, Research Masters, PhD, Erasmus MC Academie, Skills lab and Simulation, General  Practice and Medical Specialist training programmes.

Personal Study
The EC offers more than 400 work places. Students can study here and use a variety of IT facilities. The centre is surrounded by 40 colloquium- and lecture halls. The Educational Service Centre (Onderwijs Service Centrum) is responsible for the EC and makes it a priority to create the ideal study environment for students.

The EC is exclusively for students of faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. All students are required to wear their Erasmus MC card in sight when in the EC.

Pleasant study environment
The EC is a communal space where we all live by the set regulations and where through respect we create a pleasant study environment for all students.

Wearing your Erasmus MC card visibly is mandatory. You may be asked to show your identification.

Talk, call, eat or drink? Do this in the area around the espresso bar, the reading table and the Chesterfields.

Respect the learning environment of others: adjust the usage and volume of your voice, your equipment and your general behavior accordingly.

Tidy & Clean
Keep the learning environment clean and dispose of your waste in the appropriate waste bins.

Personal study spots
A study spot cannot be vacated for longer than 15 minutes. Personal belongings that are left behind for a longer period of time will be removed.

No feet on the couch and tables. Please leave furniture where it belongs.

Always follow the applicable agreements in the EC .The employees of ESC monitor enforcement.

Video recording and photos
Official recordings need to be reported to the department of communication ( When recording in the ESC no students or visitors should filmed without their permission. No other activities are allowed on the second floor near the study islands. Bear in mind that students are studying on the third and fourth floor. Do not block passageways and/or stairs. Recording sessions cannot take longer than 1 hour, this is to prevent disturbance.

Opening hours*
Monday until Friday 08:00 - 22:00 EC 
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00 EC
Sunday and national holidays EC closed. Computer hall 5 is opened on Sundays from 09:00 - 17:00 for personal study with the exception of national holidays (Erasmus MC card obligatory).

Unwelcome visitors will be asked to leave by security outside opening hours. 

*Changes reserved. Check this item regularly for current opening hours.

Map Education Centre
Here you find the map of the Education Centre. Click on the image for a larger view or if you want to download it. To return to this item, click the left arrow key.